I once was asked, "What lifts you up? What keeps you going strong?"
"What lets your spirit soar? Is there a pattern to this song?"
"How can you be an optimist, when life is wearing thin?"
I had to smile, for truly there's a pattern from within.
The recipe is simple, just a ritual or two,
It's something that I follow even days I'm feeling blue,
You see, each day is up to me, I "choose" how it will go,
A mental list tucked in my mind, will help to make it so.
*** 1. Take some time to rejuvenate your soul ***
My first is in the waking, soothing music to begin,
I rise before the dawn and say a prayer of thanks within;
I take an hour to myself before the world awakes,
A cup of tea, some poetry, the rest of life can wait.
*** 2. Greet the world with a smile ***
And when the house awakens, I will greet them with a smile,
I've had my time for "me" and now can focus for awhile,
I welcome them with cheery thoughts, and send them on their way,
For final words in morning hours, will last throughout the day.
*** 3. Treat your fellow man with respect ***
The morning drive can be a chore if not prepared, but then,
Each time that someone cuts me off, my mental list kicks in;
Instead of letting "their" bad day, affect my inner peace,
I smile and wave with "all" my fingers ... that is my release.
*** 4. Always be a team player ***
The next few hours set the tone, I give each day my all,
Remembering that teamwork is the basis after all,
I make a point of finding good in someone every day,
Extend a hearty "job well done" to those along the way.
*** 5. Remember your place in the world ***
I watch for all the little things that make my life worthwhile,
I stop to gaze at mother nature's beauty, and I smile,
With so much opportunity to pass without a glance,
I stop the clock and look beyond the concrete every chance.
*** 6. Never take today for granted ***
When evening falls, I reminisce about the days events
With family, I'm thankful for another day we spent;
The final words we say each night must last eternity,
Tomorrow is a blessing ... not a written guarantee.
*** 7. Be responsible for your own actions ***
You see, it matters not that life will try to throw you curves,
When following the steps above, you'll reap what you deserve;
For what you give each day returns in plenty back to you,
It's all in "your" reactions ... "you" control each thing you do.
So every day I thank the Lord for giving me a choice,
Through all the little obstacles, I really have a voice;
The options placed before us every day are simply that,
A choice to see how "we" behave; how "our" minds will react.
It's learned behavior, nothing more ... we train ourselves to be,
The person that the world will greet, just who it is "they" see.