Yesterday, I said I would until the time had passed,
And now today, I see my list of never-ending tasks.
“Why so”, I ask myself, “did I put off that task at hand?”
For yesterday has added to my ever-growing plans,
Of things I say I will attend, accomplish or provide;
Seems every day I put if off, it multiplies in size!
A simple job if given my devotion for a time;
Would surely have resolved itself and eased my worried mind.
However, due to circumstance (as always is the case);
I had no time to spend that day, “I had no time to waste”.
For yesterday, I worked on all the tasks I had delayed,
From days before when I would say “I have no time today”.
You see, tomorrow’s easier to say that I will vow,
To catch up on the overload, and yet … I wonder how?
‘Tis easier to play the part of victim in this case,
And be the martyr ever-more, “I have no time to waste!”