Clone me once, and clone me twice, and clone me once again …
Duplicate my chromosomes (times six or eight or ten);
Build a dozen other me's and give them all my name,
Replicate my DNA before I go insane!
Slice a piece of me away, and send her to my work,
Let her do my job, where all the headaches creep and lurk;
Have her be the one to make decisions every day …
She can have it, I don't want it … send her on her way!
Reproduce another me, to deal with all my woes,
Then another clone to argue if the need arose;
Build a fourth that likes to drive when traffic jams occur,
How about a fifth to take the stress from me to her.
One could work out at the gym, a definite delight,
One could cook like Martha Stewart, every single night;
One could deal with family problems, worry them away,
All of this and so much more would lighten up my day.
She can have my problems, all I want is time away,
Give her all the troubles I encounter every day;
Let me write to heart's content, and find the time to love …
Let me have the peace and time that I've been dreaming of …
Clone me once, and clone me twice, and then I won't complain …
Duplicate my DNA before I go insane!