Once plentiful and well adjusted, nature persevered,
From creatures to the forest green, her balance was revered;
Then entered "man" into their world, with egocentric minds,
Insensitive to all he wrought, immune to selfish crimes.
With not a thought for those who walked upon the soil he shared,
Man forged along with no regret, took all that nature spared;
He raped the lands and over bred, took hold of all he saw,
Self-centered in his preservation … made his word, the law.
It mattered not, the consequence, he moved along with speed,
Devouring the creatures and the land that grew his seed;
He's taken down the borders, claimed the forests as his own,
And heaven help the strays who cross the line where man has grown.
Through stranglehold of industry and urban swell, they sink,
A world of inhumanities, now push them to the brink;
Though once they dwelled in harmony, amidst untainted lands,
Now paths are traced toward extinction, at the hands of man.
Too often, we are hardened, told that progress has a cost,
But if you choose to look beyond, you'll see what we have lost;
Some weep at this destruction from behind their window panes,
While others choose to close their eyes and hang their heads in shame.
I beg you, open up your eyes, and raise your heads up high,
For if you do, you'll see this devastation gone awry,
And if you pause to listen … truly listen, with your heart,
You'll hear the cries of nature as she's simply torn apart.
We have so much to lose, and yet there's so much more to gain,
We have to mend this broken world - we have to end this pain.
The prairies, mountains, forests, streams, the oceans … this is home,
To "all" the creatures in this world … it is not man's alone.
Speak up and let your voice be heard, to those who sit in power,
Don't wait another moment, for we're losing more each hour.